This year we mark 10 years of activity in the domain of VR simulation research and applications. For research studies linked to our V-Mars Program: https://marsvrsys.com/motigravity/ to the development of treadmills https://marsvrsys.com/motigravity/ and software: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1146380/Mars_City/ with a strong focus on Space Medicine Applications: https://neurologia.com/articulo/2020352 our history continues with a course on XR for Space applications…

Orbital Architecture

Orbital Architecture Course

Orbital Architecture plays a crucial role in the studies we carry out in the research framework of our Mars City project ( www.mars-city.org) The course of Orbital Architecture on Mars City Academy: https://marscity.academy/course/spacearchitecture is designed to let people enter in this fascinating domain of Space Architecture Catch the opportunity of a special offer valid for…


Patronage of Architects Association in Milan

Our course on Space Architecture https://marscity.academy/course/spacearchitecture by Vittorio Netti has got the prestigious patronage of the Architects Association of Milan:  https://ordinearchitetti.mi.it/it/ Architects and members of the Architects Association in Milan can contact us to discover the special offers WE deserve to them for our courses and to be involved in our program: Space Architecture Active.…

Space Exploration Event


In the framework of development of Seriana Space Valley we organize a Space Robotic contest  on a terrain in the municipality of Casnigo. The terrain of the contest is a candidate for the construction of our Mars City: www.mars-city.org A fist possible date of the event is late autumn. The contest will cover different topics related…



Y-DEVICE is developed to simulate micro-g /Mars g /Moon g for space medicine, space agriculture, astrobiology and material testing for space applications. Another important project in the framework of development of Seriana Space Valley and in the pipeline of our Space Medicine research togheter with SPACEMEDEX Thanks  to Giovanni Castelli (https://lnkd.in/e8f6k7rj), Logicat (https://logicatsrl.com/logicat), Gandimec (ww.gandimec.it)…

Rocket Course

Free Webinar on Rocket Course

Day Left before the Free Space Webinar where you will learn how to build and launch a rocket 🚀 and discuss about trending topics of space exploration 🌎 Limited Seats left 🕥 To all partecipants a special discount on the Rocket Course Rocket Course (marscity.academy) Don’t miss out the opportunity by Registering Now. You are…

Orizzonti Infiniti

Orizzonti Infiniti second meeting

After the huge success of the first meeting the second step of Orizzonti Infiniti (Italian only) ( ww.orizzoninfiniti.it) scheduled May 10. The floor is for the industry to discuss about Space Economy with Walter Cugno of Thales Alenia Space , Laura Agazzi (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Claudia Facchinetti Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Massimiliano Musazzi, Optec SpA…