In the last post, we talked about one of the experiments! Today, we are going to show you how varied and complex the experiment list still is.
Since MDRS is a so-called “geological analogue” of Mars, we’ll take advantage of this chance and perform experiments on the soil of the desert.
Experiments: DNA, Micrometeorites
Experiment referent: Simone Paternostro, PhD.
Equipment needed:
1. DNA slicer, zip bags, sample collectors, laptop.
2. hovel, zip bags, Samples tray + Magnet, Tablet.
The first experiment concerns the search for micrometeorites in sand samples In the first experiment, we aim to analyse sand samples on microbial DNA traces. The experiment requires the sample to be collected, the DNA extracted through the slicer and its sequencing, and the post-mission analyses and data interpretation. ????????????
The second experiment will also require the collection of samples, but in this case we’ll look for traces of iron in search of micrometeorites, fallen from space. ????????????????????????
Keep following us, we will share a draft mission soon!
Per aspera sic itur ad astra – Lucio Anneo Seneca
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Stay tuned, more space information will follow!
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Note: The mission is organised and managed by Mars Planet, the Italian chapter of the Mars Society. The expedition will be funded by our sponsors and partners
Photo credit: OEWF